Kosta solo exhibition at Hilbert Museum - March 22-August 9, 25.  Learn More

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John Kosta • March 26, 2020



Current Shows

The Jeffrey Deitch Gallery is as colorful and provoking as it's namesake owner. With two locations in Los Angeles and New York City, the gallery is always showing something of interest for art lovers on either coast.
Mauris ut erat eros. Aenean et metus orci. Vestibulum id lorem ac risus vestibulum tincidunt quis non enim. Nam eleifend feugiat elementum. Nam placerat dolor convallis tellus fringilla varius. Suspendisse et elit maximus mi condimentum efficitur. Aenean maximus purus tempor eros euismod, non pharetra sapien luctus. Vivamus ipsum dui, vehicula a luctus at, finibus ut felis. Nullam quis leo non lorem pulvinar blandit et eu ligula. Maecenas lorem nibh, condimentum in laoreet id, accumsan fringilla est. Mauris nec augue nec urna pharetra laoreet eget sit amet metus. Nullam quis vestibulum libero. Nullam auctor iaculis elit, et commodo turpis commodo nec.

More on Jeffrey Deitch Gallery...


John Kosta: Any specific comments that John might want to add. if not, this text block can be deleted. Fusce ut diam id turpis ullamcorper fringilla et ac orci. Quisque et interdum sem, non accumsan tortor. Maecenas et dapibus ex. Nam nisl sapien, tincidunt quis mollis ac, semper ut odio. Curabitur vel placerat sapien. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam vulputate dapibus vestibulum. Proin blandit a nibh ac tempor. Nulla semper nisi quis nibh maximus tempus. Aliquam venenatis purus elementum ex dictum, at hendrerit urna ultrices.

Artist John Kosta in front of one of his painting from
By Editor March 3, 2025
Hilbert Museum hosting a solo exhibition of Kosta's 'The Los Angeles River -- An Unexpected Beauty'. This is the largest collection of the artist's work to be exhibited to date, allowing a unique opportunity to experience the full breadth of this thoughtful substantial fine art series.
September 21, 2024
Artist John Kosta's "The LA River: An Unexpected Beauty" will be on display at the Square i Gallery from October 5 to 26, 2024. Most of these LA River paintings have never been exhibited before.
Artist John Kosta's painting entitled 'LA River Painting 85'.
August 8, 2024
Artist John Kosta's 'LA River 85' showing at TAG Gallery. Artist's Reception on Saturday August 3rd from 4pm to 8pm.
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